Notice: Craft Farms North is not associated with Craft Farms POA.
Phone Number: 251-948-3039
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1187, Gulf Shores, AL 36547-1187
Physical Address: 309 E 21st Avenue, Suite E, Gulf Shores, AL 36542 (in the First Presbyterian Church)
To send an email to a specific representative, click on the email icon (envelope) next to their name below. To send an email to POA Management, fill out the general form below.
Note: The date following the representatives name is their term expiration date.
Phone: 251-948-3039
Cypress Bend Contacts
CB Representative – John Mitchell 12/31/2023
Phone: 847-302-3157
CB Alternate Representative – Bob McDowell 12/31/2023
Phone: 910-273-5026
Phone: 334-657-4444
GE Alternate Representative – Jim Foster 12/31/2024
Phone: 205-706-4343
PH Alternate Representative – Bill Tunnell 12/31/2023
Phone: 251-454-6556
PK Alternate Representative – Mary Jane Lovrey 12/31/2023
Phone: 941-578-1212